oke..pagi td mse ak titow mak ak kejut ak bgon dari titow..
dye ckp kucing ak..hemo-hemo da mty..
terkejut ak..ak tau dye skit...ak bru ckp dkt mak nk bwk hemo2 pegy klinik haiwan nnt..
last2..blom sempat ak bwk dye da maty...mlm td ak tgok dye memunk da xlarat..tp ak un xtau nk watpe..so0 ak bg la dye mkn n minum...tp dye xnk..dye amek bawu je..ank2 dye yg mkn..
then pagi td nenek ak bukak cermin tingkap dapur..tgok hemo2 da baring je..panggil2 dye wat bxtau je..slalu de respon...nenek ak pegi la dkt hemo2..tgok2 dye da keras..
dowg kejut ak..suwoh tanam dye..tp ujan lak turun..so0 ak un agkt hemo2 letak kt luar umh dlu..xnk bg dye basah..yg wat ak cdey nye..ank2 hemo-hemo dtg menyusu dkt dye..
nk menagis ak tgok..ank dye kecik2 lg..pasto0 ak alih kn ank2 hemo to0..
then hujan pn da b'enti...ak wat la lubang dgn abg ak..then kami tanam dye..cdey ak...anak2 dye ak wat kn air susu bg minum...sob...sob...
Monday, January 18, 2010
HEMO-hemo da maty...
Posted by areyien at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Posted by areyien at 9:49 PM 0 comments
The GOAT symbolizes capricorn n an apt mascot it is. Goat lurf to climb to0 the top of the mountain,where the air is clear n fresh. In much the same way Capricorn want to0 get too the top of their chosen field so that they can reap benefits of success,namely fame,prestige n money.
Getting to0 the top itsn't alwayz a walk in the park,however so it's likely that Goat will ruffle a few feather along the way.These folk can indeed be domineering,even egotiscal on their root to0 the top.They'll tell u its part of being a leader wit bright new ideas.
Posted by areyien at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
my bzday COMING SOON
oke..skunk neyh akuh ngah chat nan k.amalina..dye baek ouh..even bru knl..tp dye baek sgt2!!dye gf azzy(kwn bf ak) tat YM..huhu..xtau nk watpe..mcj apay dye maen game lak...tbe2 ak tgok ms apay 0n..
uiikz..pelik.spe yg on kn neyh..setau akuh..ms to0 apay un xtau pe psword dye...
nie wat akuh sala pham neyh msti si TYARA GILER to0 yg on kn!ee....!!akuh xpham ar minah to0..da ar ske reka2 cite..bajet bagoz..de ke ptt dye ckp dye lawa dari aku laa..kaye dari akuh laa..mak bapak sporting la...eh..ko spe nk judge ak??akuh terime diri akuh seadanye la weeyy..cm pala*
lanx ko ar...skunk akuh ngah isi borg kt wb MOHE..hee~yeyy..nk smbung blaja alek..!!arap2 result oke ar..amin..ouh yee..sbnrnye xsaba nk tggu bzday akuh neyh..lg dua ari je lg..yeyyyh!!!hahahha..
8.1.2010 jumaat neyh..jgn lpe au wish tat akuh..hahaha
Posted by areyien at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
rombongan skola ke tugu negara
Posted by areyien at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
dye de compotition tat METRO POINT KAJANG under tmpt keje ibu(KPJ KAJANG)...neyh first time ak kuar sme2 dgn family
bf ak..mle2 bf ak xdtg agy..dye xalek keje agy..s0 ak agk janggal ar tat c to0..then game start..ak tgok ibu maen..peeerrggghh!!!
giler ar..asyik strike je..huhu..bola dye laju ouh...nk banding dgn ak..5 minit baru sampai kt lubang to0..huhu..ak kol apay..tgok2 dye da smpai da...
hehe..eppy giler ak laki ak da dtg..hee~
da 4 jam ak tgok ibu maen bowling..then juruacara to0 umum kn pemenang perempuan n berkumpulan..
jeng..jeng....jeng...!!team ibu JOHAN !!! ho0oooreeyyy!!!!!!11
dan ibu pemaen perempuan ke dua terbaek..CONGRATE ibu..
Posted by areyien at 11:35 PM 0 comments